Mrs. Hair’s Natural Health Programs – Salisbury Tutoring Academy


Children’s eating affects their learning. While working for 33 years with children, Beatrice Hair observed that children learn best if they have good sleep hygiene, eat real food (vegetables, nuts, fruit, clean meats) and are not obese. ADD is affected by sugar consumption and we must confront our current child obesity crisis. Learning is affected by dietary and lifestyle habits. In Dr. Mark Hyman’s article Sugar Babies: How to Stop the Genocide of our Children, he states “Forty percent of children are now overweight and millions are morbidly obese.” Mrs. Hair offers health habits classes for adults. Enroll in our one-on-one health classes today! In addition to continuing to offer her award winning tutoring program, Mrs. Hair has now made her health program available on: and iTunes.
Beatrice believes that an overload of toxins in our food and environment are negatively affecting our health, and she believes this book can help anyone begin a new path toward health and vitality. Beatrice has not eaten any sugar or genetically modified foods in seven years, and has found that this was an easy adjustment to make. With the help of Body Wisdom: Natural Health in You™, she hopes it will make the transition easy for anyone who believes they need fewer toxins in their lives. She uses her trademarked Hair Three Legged Table® to help her readers succeed in modifying their food habits. Beatrice Hair LOVES GOOD FOOD, and refuses to be deprived. Beatrice Hair has a degree in Health and Sports Science from Wake Forest University and a Masters in Curriculum and Instruction. She has written this curriculum to help others detox their lives. To learn more visit Click to Enlarge

The party was special because it was everyone’s first organic party, and it was Salisbury’s first organic party. TRAIL BLAZING ORGANIC PARTY- A FIRST FOR EVERYONE

Our guests enjoyed cakes, pies, cookies, parfaits, puddings, macaroons, cheesecakes, ice cream, scones, Nutella, chocolates, gelatins, etc. that are all sugar free, dairy free, gluten free, toxins free and delicious!! I even had my grandmother’s birthday cake–made with modified ingredients— sugar free and dairy free and delicious. The chicken did not have antibiotics or hormones. There were no preservatives or colorings or any chemicals at all in any of the food! The vegetables were free of pesticides.

Click here to see pictures

Reversing Type 2 Diabetes Class

Did you know that Type 2 Diabetes is reversible? There is a better plan than to have to check your blood daily and take more and more medications while not healing yourself. Call us to learn more about our three month one-on-one class which will help you find the cause of your disease and what you can do to completely reverse it. We have used our H3LT® to help thousands of people modify their habits. Make the phone call that will save your life. We will work with you and a medical doctor to transform your life forever! 704-633-8307.

Beatrice Race

The Salisbury Tutoring Academy sponsored a 5K Nazareth Children’s Home in Rockwell, NC.

Beatrice Hair won first place in her age division. Salisbury Tutoring Academy instills a winning attitude in STA students.