Services – Salisbury Tutoring Academy

Test Taking Tips

We practice answering EOG and SAT sample questions. We cover many different test taking techniques to increase the percentage of accuracy. We reduce anxiety and help children of all ages become more comfortable with test taking.

Chart of Report Card Results for children who were enrolled throughout the school year at the Salisbury Tutoring Academy LTD.

Boosting Grades

Is your child close to failing or struggling to make a passing grade? Why not raise the level of enthusiasm to boost those grades? We help your child understand the big picture to relate more personally to the concepts involved. For example, children make maps to help them learn geography. We have many strategies to build interest and gain a greater understanding of the material.


Overactive children, those who tend to daydream, and those who are easily distracted all need our support to feel confidence and joy in their school experience. We suggest behavior modification contracts to help parents guide their child in positive ways. Our parents have found that The Salisbury Tutoring Academy is extremely successful in this area. All skills emphasized here at the academy are beneficial to ADD and ADHD children.

Study Patterns

We evaluate and analyze how each child learns. Then we suggest alternative ways of studying that compliment the student’s individual learning style. For instance, a child who is a visual learner is encouraged to draw pictures illustrating science terms in order to remember them better.

Learning Disabilities

We use a variety of multi-sensory hands-on approaches to help students work around, and compensate for, specific learning disabilities.

All sessions are documented and carefully
supervised by Mrs. Hair.

Writing Techniques

Our writing program helps children express their ideas clearly and concisely. We help children learn how to write reports and term papers. They improve their mechanics and benefit from our multi-sensory hands-on program to produce better spellers. We enable children to become exciting writers.

Reading Enhancement

Many children come to The Salisbury Tutoring Academy to improve their reading skills. We work on speed, accuracy, fluency, and comprehension. We teach decoding skills with a multi-sensory approach for all the sounds in the English language. We have hands-on exercises to help build a better vocabulary base. If a child reads at or above grade level, all subjects become more enjoyable. A program for parents to work closely with the development of their child’s reading skills is also offered, with full guidance provided.

Graph of Reading Gains with 1 Hour per Week of Tutoring



The sky’s the limit here! Is your child not challenged adequately in school? Does he or she need extra mental stimulation? Our enrichment activities at The Salisbury Tutoring Academy provide all this. We even assign exciting hands-on projects which can be done at home.

Organizational Skills


We specialize in helping your child compose a schedule and routine for after school hours. We provide organizers and calendars for long term projects and suggest practical ways to keep up with homework. We also organize subject matter into a logical format for increased learning.