Salisbury Tutoring Academy – The one on one school. We offer one on one tutoring services for your child in a positive and nurturing environment. We are very successful with Learning Disabilities. We believe in teaching by using a multisensory approach. We are trained in the Orton-Gilingham Dyslexia curriculum

“All of our programs are customized and individualized and taught in a one-on-one setting. Our results have been documented for decades. We have had 24,000 documented transformations.”

Mrs. Hair receives a Congressional Recognition Award from Congressman Howard Coble for her work.
Mrs. Hair receives the North Carolina Small Business Person of the Year award from the head of the US Small Business Administration and Mayor Kluttz of Salisbury.
Lindsay graduates number one in her class.
Magcover Small

We offer Zoom and Facetime on-line classes for one or two hours a week. Contact us to learn how we guide the family through our 5 day academic protocol. Classes are 5-8 PM on Mondays and Tuesdays.

This national magazine has over 900,000 subscribers. Trevor made the cover because he gained four years in his reading with 4 months of tutoring at the academy. He went from the learning disabled group in to the gifted program